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How to get your refferal Coupon Code and How does it works?

Refferal system is implemented for appreciating the refering buyers who share the product with others or letting others know about our products. It is helpfull for both the referer and referee as both gets same amount of discount as a coupon code in their mail box!

How does the refferal system works?

It is very simple to refer any friend of yours to get discounts and there is no need for you to create an account for that. Just refer and get your coupon code as same as they get it. It is as simple as that.

Click the refferal section above the product page [This section may only appear on special occasions] as shown above to go to the refferal page of that product. Refferal amount [%] you can earn from a product vary from time to time and According to special events]

Enter Email Image

Then enter your email address [That you want to receive discount coupon code after the successful purchase of product from your friend]

After that you will be given a special URL to share with your friends and if your friend visit that page from your refferal link, they can get specific amount of discount code which they can apply while purchasing the product!

Congratulations, coupon code image

If your friend completed the purchase, your coupon code will be mailed to your entered email address!